Dogs bark. 
It’s a fact of life.

It’s how they communicate. We all know that.

But what do you do when they just won’t STOP barking?!

When they bark at: 

  • The knock at the door
  • The car door closing outside
  • The alarm going off
  • ​The bird flying past in the garden
  • ​Answering the phone

Heck sometimes they just come and bark right in your face, for no apparent reason! (there is a reason – but we’ll get to that!)

What if we told you we could reduce your dog’s excessive barking in just 10 days?

Monthly subscription Games Club £30 a month with all of the above and more


10 Days to Stop Barking £27


And you'lll get this course and MORE! Find out more HERE!

Dogs bark. 
It’s a fact of life.

It’s how they communicate. We all know that.

But what do you do when they just won’t STOP barking?!

When they bark at: 

  • The knock at the door
  • The car door closing outside
  • The alarm going off
  • ​The bird flying past in the garden
  • ​Answering the phone

Heck sometimes they just come and bark right in your face, for no apparent reason! (there is a reason – but we’ll get to that!)

What if we told you we could reduce your dog’s excessive barking in just 10 days?

Monthly subscription Games Club £30 a month with all of the above and more


10 Days to Stop Barking £27


And you'lll get this course and MORE! Find out more HERE!

Excessive barking isn’t just annoying – it can actually be damaging to your relationships.

Damaging to your relationship not only with your dog, but with your family, friends and neighbours.

It can be SO embarrassing and before long, you find that all that barking has led to other problems like:

  • Not inviting your friends over
  • A dog that now barks and lunges at the end of the lead on walks
  • Your kids are too embarrassed to invite their friends over!
  • ​Barking in the garden at everything
  • A dog that is on high alert ALL the time
  • A dog that barks in the night at the teeniest of noises
  • A dog that is barking in your face while you try to sit down in the evening

We get it, we’ve been there. It’s like being continuously shouted at – it’s hard!

We can even bet there was a tipping point. Your dog has always barked - but not to the extent they are doing right now – are we right?

Excessive barking isn’t just annoying – it can actually be damaging to your relationships.

Damaging to your relationship not only with your dog, but with your family, friends and neighbours.

It can be SO embarrassing and before long, you find that all that barking has led to other problems like:

  • Not inviting your friends over
  • A dog that now barks and lunges at the end of the lead on walks
  • Your kids are too embarrassed to invite their friends over!
  • ​Barking in the garden at everything
  • A dog that is on high alert ALL the time
  • A dog that barks in the night at the teeniest of noises
  • A dog that is barking in your face while you try to sit down in the evening

We get it, we’ve been there. It’s like being continuously shouted at – it’s hard!

We can even bet there was a tipping point. Your dog has always barked - but not to the extent they are doing right now – are we right?

So why  is your dog barking?

It’s pretty simple - they have worked really hard to become a PRO at barking! You have inadvertently created a professional barker. (note: it’s not your fault. They trained themselves so let yourself off the hook here)

The demand barking; the barking at noises, the barking at movement, the barking at…everything! They’ve got SO good at it that it’s what they know best.

We can never TRULY know why your dog is barking (unless you can speak dog?) But we’ve got a pretty good idea through our years of training and experience as top level dog trainers. And it comes down to three things:

The Three Things that are Causing your Dog’s Barking:

The GOOD news is it’s fixable!

Whether your dog is a highly skilled barker – or it’s just starting to become a teeny bit annoying – we’ve got all the training tools you need to kick it to the curb (the barking that is – not your dog!)

We are Dr Tom Mitchell and Lauren Langman – world renowned dog trainers who have helped THOUSANDS of dog owners all over the world just like you to overcome their dog barking struggles.

And we can help you in JUST 10 DAYS! 

In 10 days you will start to replace your daily firefighting with your dog owning dream.

Super easy, super quick, 3 minute games that you can watch online on your phone, tablet or laptop, and then go and practice with your dog every day.

Games Based Training

Our training games are backed by science based behaviour theory and are designed to be fun for you and your dog. The games you play will begin to re-shape your dog’s brain and change how they react. Remember we mentioned optimism and confidence above? Well there are a heap of other skills including disengagement that your dog needs. The game in this course are all designed to work on improving those skills and (magically!) begin to transform your dog.

We’re going to take you to a place where you and your dog are a team working together – not against each other.

No more 
excessive barking

No more 

Instead you’ll 
have a PEACEFUL home!


  • A dog that chooses calmness over barking at the person walking by your house
  • A dog that chooses relaxation over anxious hyper vigilance
  • Getting excited at the opportunity of having guests over without the entire house breaking into chaos upon their arrival
  • Feeling empowered and capable to take on your dog’s barking with the practical solutions provided to you
  • Long lasting, real-life results
  • An AMAZING relationship with your dog (that’s the main aim right?)
  • ​No longer worrying about sound complaints!

You’re probably wondering how much
this is going to set you back?

Well, today, right here and right now you can get this
discounted from £47/$58 down to just £27/$32!

That’s 42% off!

And that’s access for LIFE! 


  • A dog that chooses calmness over barking at the person walking by your house
  • A dog that chooses relaxation over anxious hyper vigilance
  • Getting excited at the opportunity of having guests over without the entire house breaking into chaos upon their arrival
  • Feeling empowered and capable to take on your dog’s barking with the practical solutions provided to you
  • Long lasting, real-life results
  • An AMAZING relationship with your dog (that’s the main aim right?)
  • ​No longer worrying about sound complaints!

You’re probably wondering how much
this is going to set you back?

Well, today, right here and right now you can get this
discounted from £47/$58 down to just £27/$32!

That’s 42% off!

And that’s access for LIFE! 


Did you know that if you buy a monthly Games Club subscription for £30  (cancel anytime) you can access not only THIS course, but a HEAP of other courses plus 300+ training videos?

Inside Games Club you’ll find:

PLUS GAMES CLUB 90 Day Money Back Guarantee

Decisions decisions!
We’ll break it down for you…

Monthly subscription Games Club £30 a month with all of the above and more


10 Days to Stop Barking £27



You’ll play three minute games which teach your dog a specific skill required to stop the excessive barking. By the end of the 10 days your dog will have begun to learn all the skills they need to feel more confident that barking excessively isn’t always the answer!

We don’t use force or intimidation and we’ve helped to change thousands of dog’s lives around the Globe.

10 Day Course

Daily Emails to keep you focussed and on track

10 Day Access to Games Club Lite Facebook Group

Easy to follow Step by Step online videos that you have access to for life

We’ll send an email every day with free tips and resources to keep you going

Get a taste of Games Club (our online monthly training membership) in our supportive community. A safe place to talk about your dog training struggles with likeminded owners from around the world and where we (Tom & Lauren) will turn up with LIVE teaching.


Barking spreads and your dog will continue to get REALLY good at it!

Combat your dog’s barking NOW with this tried and tested course which needs only a few minutes a day to complete!


You’ll play three minute games which teach your dog a specific skill required to stop the excessive barking. By the end of the 10 days your dog will have begun to learn all the skills they need to feel more confident that barking excessively isn’t always the answer!

We don’t use force or intimidation and we’ve helped to change thousands of dog’s lives around the Globe.

10 Day Course

Easy to follow Step by Step online videos that you have access to for life

Daily Emails to keep you focussed and on track

We’ll send an email every day with free tips and resources to keep you going

10 Day Access to Games Club Lite Facebook Group

Get a taste of Games Club (our online monthly training membership) in our supportive community. A safe place to talk about your dog training struggles with likeminded owners from around the world and where we (Tom & Lauren) will turn up with LIVE teaching.


Barking spreads and your dog will continue to get REALLY good at it!

Combat your dog’s barking NOW with this tried and tested course which needs only a few minutes a day to complete!


Do I have to follow the course day by day or can I do it at my own pace?

You have access for life so you can take as long as you like to go through the course.

My dog doesn’t bark all the time – but sometimes it’s VERY annoying - do I still need this course?

Absolutely! You’ll get lightbulb moments galore and you’ll find some very neat tricks and tips on how to propel your dog training. You can never spend too much time investing in new skills with your dog.

I’m in the Games Club membership already – do I need this?

The great news is that all Games Club members already have this course INCLUDED for FREE! 

It’s one of the bonus short courses that we give to our members. You’ll find access to it on your online training dashboard. If you aren’t in Games Club and would like to find out about joining (it’s just £30/$40 a month!) then click here

What happens after I purchase the course – how do I access it?

Once you’ve been through the checkout you’ll receive an email with your login details and link to the training website. Simply login and you’ll see the course badge appear on you dashboard. Click on the badge and you’ll find all your lessons in there.

We’ll also send you a few emails with everything you need to know about logging in so be sure to check your spam to make sure you get those. As we’ll also be sending daily emails to you to help guide you and keep you on track.

I don’t have a Facebook account - how do I access the Games Club Lite community group mentioned above?

We have many members who are not active on Facebook. They have set up a Facebook account purely for the purpose of joining the group and receiving all the great benefits in there such as live training with Tom & Lauren and receiving support from fellow students.

What is games-based training?

We use training exercises in the form of games to train our dogs. The games are backed by science and the latest in behaviour theory. We know that when our dogs are having fun, and making their own choices, the training sticks! We train force free and specialise in reactive dogs, who we lovingly call ‘Naughty But Nice’. We believe there is hope for all dogs and that behaviour is just information that can help us to understand why a dog is acting a certain way. We help the dog with the root cause rather than supressing the behaviour. 

Who are Tom & Lauren?

Dr Tom Mitchell and Lauren Langman are world-renowned dog trainers and the creators of Absolute Dogs and Games Club. Tom is a veterinarian, behaviourist, dog trainer, and author. He brings science and passion to his work, which supports dogs of all abilities and temperaments to have focus, self control and joy. Lauren is a dog trainer, author, and world-level competitor in the fast-paced dog sport of agility. Lauren also owns and runs a highly successful dog-training centre of excellence in Devon, UK. Tom and Lauren believe that a positive playful approach using simple games can change a dog's life. Together, they bring years of experience and generously share their knowledge to help more and more dog owners overcome their struggles and turn them into strengths.
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