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Getting Started

Do you have a rescue dog and you’re not quite sure where to get started with their training. This resource delves into the magic of games-based training. No matter your rescue dog’s history (known or unknown) this is the eBook you need to dive into… and keep an eye out so that you can get the entire Rescue Dog collection. 

By entering your information you'll also go onto our mailing list for lots of amazing dog training advice and tips and be the first to hear about new courses and events. Don't worry you can unsubscribe at any time.

Getting Started

Do you have a rescue dog and you’re not quite sure where to get started with their training. This resource delves into the magic of games-based training. No matter your rescue dog’s history (known or unknown) this is the eBook you need to dive into… and keep an eye out so that you can get the entire Rescue Dog collection. 

By entering your information you'll also go onto our mailing list for lots of amazing dog training advice and tips and be the first to hear about new courses and events. Don't worry you can unsubscribe at any time.
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